Friday, March 29, 2013

The New Red Dawn is Very Underestimated

When first hearing about the remake of Red Dawn I was very nervous. I mean the orginal had Patrick Swayze! No one can compete right? Well I was wrong! The acting down by Chris Hemsworth, Josh Peck, and Josh Hutcherson was fantastic and very unexpected! The chemistry between these characters (along with other such as Adrianne Palicki, Isabel Lucas, and Connor Cruise)was spot on and had me routing for these underdogs throughout the whole film.

See the film is about a group of young adults, most still in high school, that have to try to save there town from North Korean Soldiers that are trying to gain control. You are able to feel the heart ache coming off of the screen and has you even wanting to reach into the film and give each of them support.

The film is different from the orginal but still Give it a chance. I promise you wont be disappointed!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Love or Hate them Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan make the Ultimate Team

Let me introduce myself. My name is Jess and during the day I am a teacher and by night I am a movie lover. Whenever I get a chance I watch movies and I have to be honest here, sometimes I forget they are only movies even though I wish some of them would happen to me in real life. I mean think about it. I would love to have Matt Damon show off to me in a bar like he did for Minnie Driver. How about when Scarlett Johansson beats up Jeremy Renner in the Avengers which allows her get her true friend back. Everyone whats to be the hero right?

Movies are a passion of mine. How many other things in life can get to so pulled in and let you escape reality for even just two hours? I love movies. I will be the first to say that I am no expert in film but I just want to spread my love for film to others. I am going to start out at first with some new and some old movies and I would love to hear your opition on the movies as well. I would also really enjoy movie recommendations as well. I would also like to add a disclaimer. I do not own or have any rights to the movies I will be listing. This also includes the photos of the movies as well.

So lets get started shall we?

Tom Hanks has to be one of the best actors from my generation. He's done such great films such as Saving Private Ryan, Green Mile, Cast Away, Apollo 13, Forest Gump, and That Thing You Do. That's just to name a few. Now put him in a film with Meg Ryan who has done such films as When Harry Met Sally, City of Angels, and Top Gun then forget it! A masterpiece is made and this masterpiece happens to be called Sleepless In Seattle.

Spoiler Alert

A film about love, heartache, passion, and destiny. You find yourself asking "What if?" Then trying to find answers on how you would handle the hard situation that "Sam", Tom Hanks character, is put in to. Sam loses one of the best things in his life and as tries to cope he also has to help his son cope, which is a hard task in itself. Sam realized that maybe he is the one not moving on after all when his son Jonah calls into a radio show and says that he wants to find his Dad a new wife. After recieving letters from all over the United States Jonah finds a letter he likes that asks them both to meet on top of the Empire State Building. Sam tells Jonah no way but the rest of the film shows us, or maybe just me, that destiny takes a hand and will help you find your way back to happiness.

I do want to say however, as much as I find this film romantic, I mean come on now, I am human I can't help but love the fact that love does come back into Sam's life, I do find the character of Annie is a little stockerish. At one point she hires a private detective to find this man that she doesn't even know and get pictures of him to get an idea of what he looks like. This is all for the fact that she wants to go to Seattle and be able to recognize him and not go looking for him blind, not knowing where to start. She gets his address and phone number without even meeting the guy. In todays world she would get arrested but in that time, well hey, I guess it was fair game.

Jonah is a child that in todays technologies would be trouble. He used his best friend to get him a seat on an air plane and then took off not even second guessing it! When I was his age I was scared just to even walk across the street. (I know, I know... It's just a movie but really this kid amazed me.) And by the way, his best friend Jessica, why on earth would her parents leave her basically in charge of there airline business? She's a kid. Let her be a kid!

Lets talk about Songs in a film. A song has the ability to make you cry, make you smile, and or make you wish you were the movie yourself! This is no different in Sleepless in Seattle. As Make Someone Happy by Jimmy Durante first notes start to play your heart flutters. You know from those first notes on that Sam and Annie belong together and will stay together! As the elevator doors close and the songs long sung lyric plays, you see the two of them holding hands with Jonah's smiling face down below and you become jealous of what they have to come. That is of course Love and Happiness.

I am still so shocked when my friends or others I meet by chance explain that they have yet to see this classic romantic film! To this day it is still played almost all year on one television station or another and I hope that it stays that way.

What would you do if you receiver letters from people that wanted to meet you and fall in love? Would you go? Would you risk it. I can honestly say that at first I said no way would I go! They would most likely be psycho, right? But then I started to think. Isn't that what online dating is? Isn't that what going to bars and meeting new people you've never met before is? Of course so why would I be so scared? Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan also do a movie called "You've Got Mail" which has the same type of story line (a little different) but they talk only through email or so they think. But that's another movie for another day.

I would give this film a nine out of ten stars in the romantic genre. It's a classic to me that will hopefully never go away!

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear them.

Until next time,
